Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Contoh Script PHP Coder

Buat Agan-agan / sista-sista yang mau belajar Web Programming ini saya ada sedikit contoh dasar,, monggo disimak, semoga bermanfaat :)

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> 
<title>Ophy_LGN On Web</title>
alert('---++++Welcome to Ophy_LGN++++---')
<body bgcolor=#FFCC99>
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<td rowspan="2" width=500><font size=30>Ophy_LGN</font></td>
<td><? include "status.php"?></td>
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<td>Lingkar Ganja Nasional</td>
<td><a href="index.php">HOME</td>
<td><a href="index.php?page=isi_berita">TULIS BERITA</td>
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<td bgcolor=#cccccc colspan=3><marquee>Website Legalisasi Ganja</marquee></td>
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<td align=center bgcolor=#FF3300>LOGIN AREA</td>
<td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><? include "login.php"?></td>
<td align=center bgcolor=#FF3300>INFORMASI</td>
<td height=200 bgcolor=#FFFFCC><marquee direction="up"><p align=center>
Dukung Legalisasi Ganja<br>di Indonesia<br>Terimakasih</p></marquee>


Contoh Daftar Isi

Lembar Judul Laporan KKP............................................................................ i
Lembar Persetujuan dan Pengesahan Laporan KKP........................................ ii
Lembar Penilai Laporan KKP.......................................................................... iii
Kata Pengantar................................................................................................. iv
Daftar Isi.......................................................................................................... v
Daftar Simbol................................................................................................... vii
Daftar Gambar.................................................................................................. xii
Daftar Tabel...................................................................................................... xiii
Daftar Lampiran............................................................................................... xiv
BAB I        PENDAHULUAN....................................................................... 1
1.1    Umum..................................................................................... 1
1.2    Maksud dan Tujuan................................................................ 1
1.3    Metode Penelitian................................................................... 2
1.4    Ruang Lingkup....................................................................... 2
1.5    Sistematika Penulisan............................................................. 3
BAB II       LANDASAN TEORI.................................................................. 4
                    2.1. Konsep Dasar Sistem............................................................. 3
                    2.2. Peralatan Pendukung............................................................. 9
BAB III     ANALISA SISTEM BERJALAN............................................. 14
                    3.1. Umum.................................................................................... 14
                    3.2. Tinjauan Perusahaan.............................................................. 14
                               3.2.1. Sejarah Perusahaan.................................................. 14
                               3.2.2. Struktur Organisasi dan Fungsi............................... 18
                    3.3. Prosedur Sistem Berjalan....................................................... 26
                    3.4. Diagram Alir Data (DAD) ....................................................  27
                    3.5. Kamus Data........................................................................... 30

                    3.6. Spesifikasi Sistem Berjalan.................................................... 30
                               3.6.1. Spesifikasi Bentuk Dokumen Masukan................... 32
                               3.6.2. Spesifikasi Bentuk Dokumen Keluaran ..................  32
                               3.6.3. Spesifikasi File ........................................................  32
                               3.6.4. Struktur Kode .........................................................  33
                               3.6.5. Spesifikasi Program ................................................  33
                    3.7. Permasalahan Pokok .............................................................  33
                    3.8. Alternatif Pemecahan Masalah.............................................. 34

BAB IV     PENUTUP................................................................................... 35    
                    4.1. Kesimpulan.............................................................................35
                    4.2. Saran-saran............................................................................. 35

DAFTAR PUSTAKA.................................................................................... 37
DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUP..................................................................... 38
SURAT KETERANGAN PKL / RISET.................................................... 39
NILAI PRAKTEK KERJA LAPANGAN................................................. 40
LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN............................................................................ 42

Contoh Kata Pengantar Laporan PKL


            Dengan mengucapkan  puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas terselesaikannya Laporan Kuliah Kerja Praktek (KKP) dengan Judul  : “Analisa Sistem Penilaian Pegawai pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Cirebon”. Yang merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan mata Kuliah Kerja Praktek Lapangan Jurusan Manajemen Informatika Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Bina Sarana Informatika.
            Selama melaksanakan Kuliah Kerja Praktek dan dalam menyelesaikan laporana ini, penulis telah banyak menerima bimbingan, pengarahan, petunjuk dan saran, serta fasilitas yang membantu hingga akhir dari penulisan laporan ini. Untuk itu penulis menyampaikan ucapan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada yang terhormat :
1.         Direktur Bina Sarana Informatika
2.         Pudir I Bidang Akademik Bina Sarana Informatika
3.         ketua Jurusan Manajemen Informatika AMIK Bina Sarana Informatika
4.         Bapak Drs. Abraham Mohammad, M.Si selaku Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan
Informatika Kabupaten Cirebon
5.         Staff / Karyawan / Dosen Lingkungan AMIK BSI
6.         Para Staff Karyawan Di Diskominfo Kab. Cirebon
7.         Orang Tua Tercinta yang telah memberikan dorongan Moral maupun Spiritual
kepada Penulis.
            Akhirnya penulis berharap semoga laporan ini bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang membantu, meskipun dalam laporan ini masih banyak kekurangannya. Oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang membangun tetap penulis harapkan.

                                                                                    Jakarta, 30 September 2012


Lirik The Used - Together Burning Bright

Feel the pain wash over me
Feel the salt that's burning from my eyes
I feel the world move underneath me
I know there is no need for my disguise
Feel the screams as you take my hand

I understand the terror in your eyes
Feel I've lost myself completely
It helps to know you're right here by my side
I won't pretend that we could live forever

I think it's gonna be alright, now
I think it's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

I see the daylight start to fade
I feel the cold move softly with the night
I feel the darkness start to take me
I understand there is nowhere to hide

Feel the world start caving in
I feel the hollow nothing left inside
No, I've lost myself completely
I need to know you're right here by my side
I won't pretend that we could live forever

I think it's gonna be alright, now
I think it's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

I think it's gonna be alright, now
I think it's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

Yeah together burning bright
(dah dah dah)
We are only sparks
But together burning bright

I won't pretend that we could live forever
I think it's gonna be alright, now
I think it's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

I get the feeling it's alright, now
I get the feeling it will be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

I think it's gonna be alright, now
I think it's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
'Cause we are only sparks
But together burning bright

Lirik The Used - I come Alive

Breathing in now,
I try counting my blessings.

Beg forgiveness,
With some words that mean nothing,
Illusions like smoke in my breath.

I come alive,
When I’m falling down.
I let myself go,
'Til I hit the ground.
When I’m there, at the edge,
In this moment I feel it I know.
Come alive when I’m falling down.

Air is thin now.
While my lungs are collapsing,
Vertigo blankets my head.
Far from reckless,
When I’m comfortable, thought
That I know I could never forget.
(That I know I could never forget)

I come alive,
When I’m falling down.
I let myself go,
'Til I hit the ground.
When I’m there, at the edge,
In this moment I feel it I know.
Come alive when I’m falling down.

Keep your distance,
Far away from me.
Watch this eat me alive
Keep your distance,
Far away from me
Watch this eat me alive.

I come alive,
When I’m falling down.
I let myself go,
'Til I hit the ground.
When I’m there, at the edge,
In this moment I feel it I know.
Come alive when I’m falling down.

I come alive!
I come alive!
I come alive!
I come alive!
(Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
(I come alive, I come alive)

Lirik The Used - This Fire

True, we acted like we should

And did all that we could

When you pushed we never pulled

We answered back yes anything

We can give you anything

Will you take everything?

'Cause we do not need a thing.

This fire

This fire burning, 

it burns inside of me

This fire

This fire burning,

it burns inside of me

Not fading away, not fading away.

Our love, our hope never faded away

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me

Truth, we were never understood or acted like we should

I cannot let you win, we don't owe you anything

For we won't give you anything

Try and take everything

But we won't give you anything

This fire

This fire burning, 

it burns inside of me

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me

Not fading away, not fading away.

Our love, our hope never faded away

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me

Build a fire for yourself.(6x)

We won't give you anything.

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me

Not fading away, not fading away.

Our love, our hope never faded away

This fire

This fire burning, it burns inside of me